Critical thinking and problem solving

critical thinking skills because they allow them to “deal effectively with social, science, and practical problems.” Simply put, students who can think objectively are better able to solve problems. It’s not enough to have expertise or information

Rachel ShalCritical thinking and problem solving
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Personal Effectiveness

Personal effectiveness is described as making the best use of your time and the resources available to you in order to perform at your best in your workplace. As a result, you will be exceptional at achieving your objectives

Rachel ShalPersonal Effectiveness
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Leadership and Time management

Successful leadership is based on time management. Schedule one-on-one meetings with your team once a week, often to focus on development and other time to listen to what they share. They can provide a significant value

Rachel ShalLeadership and Time management
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Leadership and Management Styles

Leaders and managers serve as coaches to their teams, motivating, encouraging, and guiding them to higher outputs and efficiencies. Coaching executives strike a balance between authoritative leadership styles. They make their own choices, but with input from the community

Rachel ShalLeadership and Management Styles
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Building and managing team to gain success

The most important aspect of teamwork is effective communication, which entails regularly updating each person and never believing that everyone has the same information. Being an effective communicator also entails being an effective listener

Rachel ShalBuilding and managing team to gain success
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Managing staff motivation

Employee motivation is described as the process of energising, guiding, and maintaining an employee’s efforts. A driven team should be energised and enthusiastic about their work

Rachel ShalManaging staff motivation
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Effective presentation skills

An effective presentation is keeping good eye contact, demonstrate a varied vocabulary and adapt your language to your audience, listen effectively, present your ideas appropriately, write clearly and concisely, and work well in a diverse group of people.

Rachel ShalEffective presentation skills
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Lifelong learning in the changing context

All learning activity undertaken during life with the aim of developing knowledge, skills, and competencies through a personal, civic, social, and/or employment-related perspective, according to a conventional concept of lifelong learning

Rachel ShalLifelong learning in the changing context
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