Micro learning videos

Micro learning videos

Our experience shows that in todays fast paced world, holding attention for longer duration is difficult. To solve this problem our team excels in creating bite-sized e-learning videos. These videos are short, focused and designed to meet your employees’ specific learning goals.

x3vikyRzc3Micro learning videos
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LMS Deployment

LMS Deployment

Organizations in need of LMS hosting for their training requirements can rely on us to provide them with a learning management system custom made to their needs. In addition we offer services to manage the LMS and ensure that it runs trouble free.

Shahab UsmaniLMS Deployment
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Content Development

Content Development

Our team of developers can help create the perfect training module specifically for your organization. We specialize in video production, character animations, and much more to help create a tailor-made module for your company

Shahab UsmaniContent Development
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E-learning Modules

E-learning Modules

Our comprehensive pre-built e-learning modules are suitable for a broad range of training needs. These modules have all general topics ranging from workplace ethics to general HR training modules.

Shahab UsmaniE-learning Modules
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